Are you curious about Sackboy: a Big Adventure, which released along with the PlayStation 5? You don’t have to pay extra to check it out. Sony is giving away this LittleBigPlanet spinoff (also on PS4) for free to all PlayStation Plus members between April 4 and May 1!
Sackboy is quite different from other similar video games. Little Big Planet lets you control your character in a 3D world and encourages you to interact with its surroundings and be creative. However, Sackboy is different because it’s a 3D platformer that focuses more on doing awesome acrobatics! Up to four people can play this game at the same time, so why not give it a try with your friends or family? Who knows, some levels may even require each person to work together to win.
If you don’t like Sackboy, that’s okay! April brings two more new games available for free on PS Plus: Meet Your Maker and Tails of Iron. Both are playable on both PS4 and PS5. Enjoy!
If you have a subscription to PS Plus Extra or Premium, you recently got really good games like Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection and Tchia. Even better, now you can get another great game without doing much work!