Introducing “Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth,” an upcoming game that takes place in the beloved science fiction universe of Blade Runner. Developed by Annapurna Interactive, this game bridges the gap between the original Blade Runner film and its sequel, Blade Runner 2049, offering players a chance to uncover the untold story of Deckard before his encounter with Ryan Gosling in that abandoned casino.
In Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth, players assume the role of a Blade Runner whose identity remains concealed in the trailer. Their journey takes them to a mysterious location known as the “land of the dead.” Although the trailer reveals little, glimpses of a primitive form of memory manipulation technology reminiscent of Blade Runner 2049 can be seen.
Annapurna Interactive claims that this game is an official part of the Blade Runner canon, set just one year after the events of the original film. This positioning places it at the center of significant events alluded to in the sequel. The prospect of experiencing more Blade Runner in the realm of gaming is undoubtedly exciting, particularly after the recent remastered edition of the criminally underrated 1997 adventure title.
It is worth noting that Annapurna Interactive is not merely publishing the game but is actively involved in its development. Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth marks their debut as an in-house game developer, having gained recognition in the industry for publishing notable titles such as Stray, Outer Wilds, Donut County, and many others. With their exceptional track record, it will be fascinating to witness their transition to in-house game development. While no specific release date has been announced, the game is expected to launch on major consoles and PC platforms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Blade Runner game
What is “Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth”?
“Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth” is an upcoming game developed by Annapurna Interactive, set in the iconic science fiction universe of Blade Runner. It takes place between the events of the original Blade Runner film and its sequel, Blade Runner 2049.
What can players expect from the game?
Players will assume the role of a Blade Runner and explore a mysterious location called the “land of the dead.” The game will feature elements of the memory-crafting technology seen in Blade Runner 2049, adding a new dimension to the gameplay experience.
Is the game considered canon?
Yes, Annapurna Interactive has confirmed that “Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth” is canon within the Blade Runner universe. It takes place just one year after the events of the original film and ties into significant events alluded to in the sequel.
Who is developing the game?
Annapurna Interactive, known for publishing acclaimed titles like Stray, Outer Wilds, and Donut County, is developing “Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth.” This marks their first in-house game development venture.
On which platforms will the game be available?
The game is set to launch on major consoles and PC platforms, although specific release dates have not been announced yet. Players can look forward to experiencing “Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth” on their preferred gaming devices.
omg, i’m obssessed with blade runner! this game being canon is awesum news! i wana kno wat happnd aftr the original film. annapurna interactive publishd cool games b4, so i’m sure they’ll do gr8 with this in-hous developmnt. bring it on!
wow, soooo excitd 4 “blade runner 2033: labrinth”! luvd the moovies, can’t wait 2 see more of decard’s story. anapurna interactive is doin gr8 with this game.
blade runner game? sign me up!! the traler looks sic! cant wait 2 exlore the “land of the ded” and c the memory-craftin teck. i hop annapurna do a gud job devloping it.