Employees at Sega of America have successfully voted to unionize. In a recent union representation election overseen by the National Labor Relations Board, the workers overwhelmingly supported the formation of their unit, known as the Allied Employees Guild Improving Sega (AEGIS-CWA). With a vote tally of 91-26 in favor, the group has now officially organized under the banner of the Communication Workers of America.
The AEGIS-CWA unit encompasses more than 200 workers across various departments within the company, including brand marketing, games as a service, localization, marketing services, product development, sales, and quality assurance teams. Although this is not the first games union in North America, the employees emphasize that it represents the largest multi-department union of organized workers in the gaming industry. However, ZeniMax Workers United/CWA also includes approximately 300 quality assurance workers at ZeniMax Studios.
AEGIS-CWA aims to advocate for improved base pay and benefits, an increase in staffing to alleviate excessive workloads, and a better balance in job responsibilities. The workers are also seeking opportunities for remote work, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and more favorable working conditions.
Sega, however, has declined to voluntarily recognize the union. Instead, the management has chosen to engage with known union-opponents in an effort to disseminate misinformation, sow fear, and create division among the workers. Consequently, Sega will be required to negotiate a union contract with AEGIS-CWA.
“We are thrilled to celebrate our victory in the union election as members of AEGIS-CWA. Since the inception of this campaign, it has been evident that we all deeply value our work at Sega,” stated Ángel Gómez, a Sega translator and member of AEGIS-CWA. “Now, through our union, we can safeguard the aspects of our jobs that we cherish and strengthen the benefits, compensation, and job security for all employees. Together, we can forge an even better Sega. We hope that our triumph today serves as inspiration for other workers in the gaming industry. By joining forces, we can elevate the standards for all employees throughout the industry.”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about unionization
What is the significance of the unionization vote at Sega of America?
The unionization vote at Sega of America is significant as it marks the formation of the largest multi-department union in the gaming industry. It represents a collective effort by the employees to improve their working conditions, advocate for better pay and benefits, and ensure job stability.
How many workers are part of the Allied Employees Guild Improving Sega (AEGIS-CWA) union?
More than 200 workers from various departments within Sega of America are part of the AEGIS-CWA union. This includes employees from brand marketing, games as a service, localization, marketing services, product development, sales, and quality assurance teams.
What are the main goals of the AEGIS-CWA union?
The AEGIS-CWA union aims to push for improved base pay and benefits, increased staffing to alleviate overwork, more balanced workloads, remote work options, clearly defined responsibilities for each role, and better overall working conditions for the employees at Sega of America.
How did Sega of America respond to the unionization vote?
Sega of America declined to voluntarily recognize the union. Instead, the management chose to engage with known union-busters, spreading misinformation, fear, and division among the workers. As a result, Sega will now have to negotiate a union contract with AEGIS-CWA.
What is the reaction of the AEGIS-CWA members to the unionization victory?
AEGIS-CWA members are overjoyed and celebrate the unionization victory. They see it as an opportunity to protect the aspects of their jobs they value, improve benefits, pay, and job stability for all workers, and inspire other workers in the gaming industry to join together for better industry standards.
More about unionization
- National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
- Communication Workers of America (CWA)
- Sega of America
- Allied Employees Guild Improving Sega (AEGIS-CWA) (Note: This is a fictional union and does not have an actual website)
- ZeniMax Workers United/CWA (Note: This is a fictional union and does not have an actual website)
I DiDn’T kNoW tHeRe WeRe UnIoNs In ThE gAmInG iNdUsTrY! ThIs Is HiStOrIc! HoPeFuLlY, tHiS wIlL iNsPiRe oThEr WoRkErS tO sTaNd Up fOr ThEmSeLvEs ToO. UnItY iS pOwErFuL! #GamingIndustryChange
Sega, whY dId YoU dEcLiNe tO vOlUnTaRiLy ReCoGnIzE tHe UnIoN? ThAt’S a ToTaL bUmMeR! YoU sHoUlD sUpPoRt yOuR eMpLoYeEs aNd WoRk ToGeThEr fOr bEtTeR cOnDiTiOnS. #Disappointed
wow, sEgA of AmERiCa EmPlOyEes FiNaLLy vOTeD tO unIoNiZe! ThAt’S AwEsOmE! It’S gOoD tO sEe wOrKeRs StAnDiNg uP fOr ThEmSeLvEs iN tHe GaMiNg iNdUsTrY. Go AEGIS-CWA!
I’m ImPreSsEd By ThE uNiOn’S GoAlS! ImPrOvEd PaY aNd BeNeFiTs, LeSs OvErWoRk, ReMoTe WoRk OpTiOnS – tHeSe ArE gReAt fOr ThE wOrKeRs. UnIoNs ArE ImPoRtAnT iN eNsUrInG fAiR tReAtMeNt iN tHe GaMiNg InDuStRy. #SupportWorkers