The enchanting melodies of chocobos and the timeless presence of Cid continue to captivate a vast audience, evident in the remarkable success of Final Fantasy XVI, which has already surpassed three million copies sold since its release on June 22. This latest installment, presenting a darker narrative within the series, remains an exclusive title for the PS5, further heightening the achievement of these sales figures. To provide context, Final Fantasy XV, a multi-platform title available on both PS4 and Xbox One, sold five million copies during its launch week in 2016.
Square Enix confirms that the three million sales encompass both digital and physical copies across the globe. Although falling slightly short of the recent FF7 remake, which sold 3.5 million units within its initial three days of availability, it is important to note that the remake was accessible on multiple consoles. Additionally, it is worth considering that the PS4 did not face availability issues like the PS5, resulting in a larger existing user base (although this is gradually changing).
However, these numbers pale in comparison to the extraordinary success of Nintendo’s flagship title, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which astonishingly sold 10 million copies in just three days. Nevertheless, JRPGs have historically faced challenges in achieving sales numbers comparable to open-world adventures, particularly in the Western market.
The impressive sales figures for Final Fantasy XVI can be attributed to positive reviews and strong word of mouth. In our review of the game, we lauded its stunning environments, epic boss encounters, and nuanced combat system, which undoubtedly contributed to its commercial triumph.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about JRPG sales
Q: How many copies has Final Fantasy XVI sold so far?
A: Final Fantasy XVI has sold over three million copies since its release on June 22.
Q: Is Final Fantasy XVI available on multiple platforms?
A: No, Final Fantasy XVI is a PS5 console exclusive.
Q: How does the sales figure of Final Fantasy XVI compare to Final Fantasy XV?
A: Final Fantasy XV sold five million copies during its launch week in 2016, while Final Fantasy XVI has sold over three million copies so far.
Q: What were the sales figures for the FF7 remake?
A: The FF7 remake sold 3.5 million units within its first three days of availability, slightly higher than the initial sales of Final Fantasy XVI.
Q: How does Final Fantasy XVI’s sales compare to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
A: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom sold a massive 10 million copies in just three days, surpassing the sales of Final Fantasy XVI.
Q: What factors contributed to the success of Final Fantasy XVI?
A: Positive reviews, word of mouth, and praise for its gorgeous environments, spectacular bosses, and nuanced combat system have likely contributed to the impressive sales of Final Fantasy XVI.