Home News Levi’s is Supplementing Human Models with AI-Generated Fakes – What it Means for the Fashion Industry

Levi’s is Supplementing Human Models with AI-Generated Fakes – What it Means for the Fashion Industry

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Levi’s is teaming up with an AI company to create virtual models. They say this is to promote diversity and sustainability, but what they’re really doing is using robots instead of humans to represent their brand without having to pay real people.

Levi Strauss, a clothing company is joining up with an Amsterdam based model company called Lalaland.ai to promote their business. Lalaland was founded only four years ago in 2019 and they have the mission of having more diversity within the fashion industry while also making fashion items that people can wear whatever size, age, skin colour or body type. The idea is to be able to show customers what fashionable items would look like on someone who looks similar to them using hyper-realistic models of all ages and sizes.

Levi’s wants to make their products more diverse, so they are teaming up with Lalaland.ai to help them achieve this goal. They believe that fashion and technology go together like art and science, so they wanted to find a high-quality partner who could also give customers an inclusive experience.

Levi’s thinks that AI will probably never fully take over the job of human models. But this could be the beginning to a scary future where machines do almost everything for us. AI is already being used to create ‘photography’, art and writing, which all used to rely on humans. We should not trust companies when they say their reasons for doing this are things like “celebrating diversity”, or “being environmentally friendly”, as it could just be a way of using robots instead of people.

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Levi Strauss, a company, took steps last year to lessen its expenses. They had 800 employee layoffs and it was estimated that this would save them between $75-$100 million per year.

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