BuyTechBlog’s Senior Editor, Devindra Hardawar, had a chance to preview the Vision Pro, Apple’s upcoming headset, back in June. Interestingly, the prototype he sampled included an additional velcro strap not featured in any of Apple’s advertisements. A spokesperson confirmed at that time that the device could accommodate extra straps if needed.
However, according to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, Apple developed the over-the-head strap in response to employees’ complaints about the headset feeling “too heavy” after using it for a few hours. There’s speculation now that the strap might be sold separately as an optional accessory, akin to Apple’s decision to sell the Pro Display XDR’s stand separately for $999, instead of including it in the box.
This might not come as a shock given that the starting price of the Vision Pro is set to be $3,499 when it launches in 2024. However, it is a bit odd considering the headset’s weight was frequently cited as a potential issue in previews, yet the company seems not to be making efforts to guarantee consumer comfort straight from the box.
Despite the hefty price tag, the Vision Pro isn’t aimed solely at developers. Apple intends to market it to consumers too. Gurman shares that Apple plans to set up dedicated spaces in its retail stores for customers to try the device. Additionally, an iPhone app has been developed to be used by store employees for scanning a customer’s face to ensure a perfect fit of the bands and light seal of the headset.
While the Vision Pro isn’t expected to be on sale until next year, and could even launch as late as May 2024, there is ample time for Apple to revise its plans. Gurman also reports that the company has shifted some of its workforce to work on a cheaper headset and a second-generation Vision Pro.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Apple’s Vision Pro Strap
What extra feature was included in the prototype of Apple’s Vision Pro headset?
The prototype of Apple’s Vision Pro headset included an extra velcro strap over the head, which was not seen in the company’s advertising materials.
Is the extra strap on the Vision Pro headset necessary?
According to a spokesperson from Apple, the extra strap can be accommodated if needed. This was after complaints from some employees that the headset felt “too heavy” after a few hours of use.
Will the extra strap be included in the Vision Pro’s retail box?
Current reports suggest that Apple is considering selling the strap separately as an optional accessory, instead of including it in the retail box.
What is the projected price of Apple’s Vision Pro headset?
The Vision Pro headset is said to start at a price of $3,499 when it launches in 2024.
Will the Vision Pro be available for demo in Apple retail stores?
Yes, Apple intends to set up dedicated spaces within its retail stores where customers will be able to try out the Vision Pro headset. They have also developed an iPhone app that retail workers can use to scan a customer’s face to ensure the correct fit of the headset.
More about Apple’s Vision Pro Strap
- BuyTechBlog’s Preview of the Vision Pro
- Bloomberg’s Report on Apple’s Vision Pro
- Apple’s Vision Pro Official Advertisements
- Information about the Pro Display XDR Stand
- Update on the Vision Pro’s Launch Date