Home News The US concludes the demolition of the world’s last known chemical weapons stockpile

The US concludes the demolition of the world’s last known chemical weapons stockpile

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Chemical weapons disposal

A significant turning point is reached as all governments across the globe will, at least on official records, step out of the chemical weapons industry. As reported by The New York Times, the US Army indicates the conclusion of the demolition of the world’s final acknowledged chemical weapons stockpile by tomorrow, July 7th. The majority of nations, including the US, pledged to eradicate their stockpiles within a decade following the enactment of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997. Nevertheless, due to the enormity of the American collection and the complexity of ensuring a safe disposal process, the US has lagged behind the schedule.

The adopted method of disposal utilizes robots designed to perforate, drain, and rinse the chemical-infused artillery shells and missiles. These components are subsequently heated to render them harmless. The extracted gas is diluted in hot water and neutralized either with bacteria (for mustard gas) or caustic soda (for nerve agents). The residual liquid is then incinerated. Teams apply X-ray technology to detect leaks prior to commencing the destruction process, and they remotely supervise the robots to limit interaction with dangerous materials.

Initially, the Army intended to sink the weapons on ships, a practice it had discreetly followed in the past. However, concerns regarding the environmental repercussions provoked a public backlash. Suggestions for incinerating the chemical agents during the 1980s also faced opposition, even though the military successfully eliminated a substantial portion of the stockpile using this method.

The US’s last utilization of chemical weapons traces back to World War I, although production continued for many years as a deterrent strategy. Public scrutiny of the program heightened in 1968 when unexplained sheep deaths unveiled that the Army was stockpiling chemical weapons across the US and even conducting open tests.

However, this action will only eradicate confirmed stockpiles. Russia has faced allegations of clandestine production of nerve gas, despite claims of having destroyed its last chemical weapons in 2017. Pro-government Syrian military forces and ISIS militants made use of these weapons extensively during the 2010s. The eradication of these confirmed stockpiles won’t prevent hostile nations and terrorists from employing such toxins.

Nonetheless, this marks a substantial milestone. Besides the eradication of an entire class of weapons of mass destruction, it signifies another stride toward reducing the destructive consequences of warfare. Drones lessen the risk to their operators (though not their targets), and experts such as AI researcher Geoffrey Hinton foresee an era where robots engage in combat. While the ideal scenario would be to completely eradicate warfare, these efforts at least serve to reduce the human toll.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Chemical weapons disposal

What is the current status of the world’s chemical weapons stockpile?

The U.S. Army reports that it should finish the destruction of the world’s last declared chemical weapons stockpile by July 7th.

How does the U.S. safely dispose of chemical weapons?

The process includes the use of robots to puncture, drain, and rinse the chemical-laden artillery shells and rockets. The drained gas is diluted and neutralized with bacteria or caustic soda, and the remaining liquid is incinerated. Safety measures, such as using X-rays to check for leaks before destruction, are taken.

Why did the U.S. not dispose of the chemical weapons by sinking them on ships?

The U.S. Army had initially intended to sink the weapons on ships, but this faced public backlash due to potential environmental impact.

Did the U.S. ever use its chemical weapons?

The U.S. last used chemical weapons during World War I, and continued to produce them for decades as a deterrent.

Will this measure stop the use of chemical weapons globally?

This measure will eradicate confirmed stockpiles. However, it won’t prevent hostile nations and terrorist groups from potentially producing or using such toxins.

What implications does this have for the future of warfare?

The eradication of this class of weapons of mass destruction represents a step toward reduced lethality in war. This aligns with other developments such as drones and potential AI-powered warfare that reduce human casualties.

More about Chemical weapons disposal

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Linda Harris July 6, 2023 - 9:24 pm

bout time they got rid of those.. our planet’s suffered enough already.

Rachel Simmons July 7, 2023 - 12:42 am

Destruction of WMDs is great but the environmental impact of it is still a concern, hope they’ve got that sorted…

Paul Richards July 7, 2023 - 2:13 am

really glad to hear this news, its been a long time comin. Keep up the good work.

Mike Thompson July 7, 2023 - 1:08 pm

Can’t believe they were producing these things even after World War I! Good riddance!

John Miller July 7, 2023 - 1:37 pm

thats a huge step forward for humanity!! hope we see less of these deadly weapons in future.


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