In a chain of messages via his Telegram channel, Pavel Durov announced that the real-time communication platform is set to introduce its unique version of Stories next month. Despite initial reservations about the feature, since “Stories are prevalent everywhere,” Durov noted that user demand prevailed, leading Telegram to create its unique iteration, seemingly more flexible than that of other platforms.
The Stories feature on Telegram closely mirrors that of Messenger, featuring expandable bubbles atop the conversation list. Users will gain control over the visibility of their posts, deciding whether they are accessible to the public, exclusive to their contacts (with certain exceptions), a select few contacts, or a group of close friends. The feature allows for the addition of captions and links, tagging other users, and sharing photos and videos simultaneously captured by the front and rear cameras – a feature reminiscent of BeReal posts.
For users wanting to exclude posts from specific contacts, they can allocate these individuals to a ‘Hidden’ list within their contacts. However, one distinguishing characteristic of Telegram’s iteration is the ability for users to determine the expiration of their Stories. Unlike other platforms that automatically delete Stories after 24 hours, Telegram users can select from a range of expiration times: 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Additionally, users have the option to keep their Stories indefinitely on their profile page, with control over the privacy settings of each post.
Durov confirmed that the feature is in its final stages of internal testing, with plans to release the Stories function on its app in early July.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Telegram Stories
When is Telegram launching its Stories feature?
Telegram is planning to launch its Stories feature in early July.
Who is introducing the Stories feature on Telegram?
Pavel Durov, through his Telegram channel, announced the upcoming launch of the Stories feature on Telegram.
What customization options will Telegram Stories offer?
Telegram Stories will allow users to control who sees their posts, add captions, links, and tags, share photos and videos, and decide when their stories expire.
Can users choose when their Telegram Stories expire?
Yes, users can set their stories to disappear after 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. They can also opt to display their stories permanently on their profile page.
Can users control who sees their Telegram Stories?
Yes, users can define who sees their posts and can choose to make them viewable to the public, only to their contacts (with exceptions), just a few selected contacts or to list of Close Friends.
What will Telegram Stories look like?
Telegram Stories will show up as expandable bubbles at the top of the conversation list, similar to Messenger’s implementation of the feature.
Can users avoid seeing posts from certain contacts in Telegram Stories?
Yes, users can move specific contacts to a “Hidden” list in their contacts section to avoid seeing their posts.
More about Telegram Stories
- Telegram’s Official Website
- Pavel Durov’s Telegram Channel
- About BeReal
- More about Messenger’s Story Feature
This could be a game changer. Love the idea of custom expiration times! Good going, Telegram.
Who needs another stories feature… Telegram should stick to what its good at – private messaging.
oh great… just what we needed another place for ppl to spam their daily life lol
I’m intrigued to see how this develops. Could be a serious contender to Instagram and Facebook’s story domination.
The permanent stories option sounds like a cool idea. Lets see how it rolls out.
Good news! More customisation options means more control for users. Good job Telegram!